Friday, June 02, 2006

Malaysia Boleh!

Have you heard of this website?

Go check it out!

"Malaysia is a young nation of diverse cultures and races such as Formula-1. Moving foward with a vision as a collective community towards the vision of becoming a developed nation by the year 2020, 4040, 5050 or whatever catchy number."

"If it's a Malay problem, it's a national problem; if it's a Chinese problem, it's a racial problem; if it's an Indian problem, it's not a problem!"

"Football is Malaysia's greatest national pastime. Countless hours are spent debating which players "kelong" and which referee "kayu". The National Team is either Manchester United, Liverpool, or Real Madrid."

"The National Pasttime is "lepak" and "mamak". At fucking 3AM in the morning, you can find Malaysians hanging out at coffeestalls drinking teh-tarik and talking cock about politics. To protect against zombies who also love to come out at this ungodly hour, Malaysians carry 12-ga. shotguns for defense."

Don't forget to check out Singapore's too! Their's is something about nuclear missiles at every HDB Flats LOL!

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