Sunday, April 08, 2007

And when the Lord calls upon you, so shall you must.

I took this during our Photo trips to the Malay Village. I thought it was an interesting perspective of the Masjid Sultan with the Stop sign next to it. Most Muslims being faithful and loyal devotees to the Lord Allah, usually pray five times a day. From early morning till late evening. Going to the Mosque to 'renew your faith' is a must every Friday. In the Muslim world, the world stops for you so that you can pray to the only one you love. While the world progresses forward, the mosque stays as a place of tranquility and retreat for the Muslims who are so caught up with their stressed life. At least with a mosque, it gives them time to reflect upon themselves, and wonder whether have they did nothing that is against the Lord's intentions.

I once find Islam rather interesting. While serving my NS, I had to mix with a lot (and I mean ALOT) of Muslim friends. Sometimes I do ask them like 'why do you need to pray five times a day' and 'why can't you eat pork ah' and 'what's the deal of halal' blablabla. Rather than them replying like those hardcore protestants (who would probably ask me to go to a church to get my questions answered), each gave me their own interpretation of what Islam is to them (which are mostly the same).

Don't worry I'm not changing my faith. My I/C still reads 'Buddhist'

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