Monday, January 10, 2005

On the night before we found out the Storey four family were to move up to Storey 6 to make way for female boarders (as the female side has overcrowded... sheesh). We tried talking to Mr. Chan, nothing resolved... and on the day of shifting itself we tried talking to Mr Ang the Senior Boarding Master... he managed to talk our way out to agreeing to move up... So haiyah argue also no use.... so oklorh we move up... Here's the chronology of what happened!

Time started: 0945 hours, 45 minutes behind schedule due to discussion with Mr. Ang... Look at all the things I had to bring two floors up! Posted by Hello

Shoe bag turned toiletries bag - making use of bags while shifting Posted by Hello

Scuffy kissing our bed goodbye... "I'm gonna miss you!" shouted Scuffy... Posted by Hello

I don't know what Leong Hui and Chun Leen were doing... my guess is they're doing the bye-bye Storey 4 dance... Posted by Hello

This is the all new M611, actually it is M411 but hey they look the same... cause all the room are homogenous! Posted by Hello

Time finish shifting 1300 hours but to get the whole room cleaned up 1830 hours... coupled by the fact that I went out with Britney to buy our return ticket to KL for CNY... had to take the train then bus all the way to Novena!

On Sunday night, we had a meeting with the Dunman High School's new Principal... we were introduced to our newest Senior Boarding Mistress as well - a much better, friendlier person compared to the last old man if you ask me... We then adjourned to the dining hall to meet our mentors and supper - one pathetic kueh... Posted by Hello

And that's the girls side Posted by Hello

Technology for everyone: Notice all the gadgets.. There's a palm top below the wallet... Posted by Hello

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