Sunday, July 10, 2005

Just for posting pics

On the 29 June 2005: It was the last night of 'cheonging'. The next day would be the last paper for the Mid Term:

Unfortunately we had some guests. Hello Tiang LimPosted by Picasa

Really tak tahu malu... Posted by Picasa

'Don't touch me!' says Chun LeenPosted by Picasa

Along came Kenny. 'You shall feel the anger in me!' yells Chun Leen (post raped symptom)Posted by Picasa

Social security officer Lam Chee Kiang had to come in. Posted by Picasa

And Chun Leen was deprived. Posted by Picasa

Chun Kiang managed to divert Tiang Lim's attention for awhile. Posted by Picasa

But at the end of the day: Unity is Strength! Tuan Jie Jiu Shi Li Liang! Kerjasama!Posted by Picasa

We can do IT!!

Note: I got an E for the paper. Thank you guys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

take them disgusting pictures off.