Sunday, August 28, 2005

Cock And Bull Shit

Movies watched: Horrifying not-worth-it-at-all The Maid. Made in Singapore what do you expect? Credit them for getting into the US Film Industry though. Had to succumb to peer pressure by saying that the movie was good cause my friends enjoyed the show. I thought that the plot sucked. Real anti-climax. Just looking at a Jennifer Garner poster would entertain me more than the show.

New nickname: ‘Poser’ by Madam Shanta. The next shooting theme is ‘Yellow Banana’ FYI.

Very overused sentences by an individual: I Feel Like Dropping A Subject (X 10)


It is particularly annoying when someone keeps telling the whole world that he/she wants to drop a subject (A Levels require 3 subject passes but we started off with 4), but doesn’t know what to drop, only to find himself/herself confused and dazed. Finally, they choose not to drop


I get very annoyed and demoralised when someone whines over this matter. If you want to drop, JUST DROP! Cause no matter how much advice we give you, you won’t listen. And when your circle of friends is huge, conflicting ideas mixed in your mind… well ain’t that nice. And it gets me thinking too why am I stuck with 4 subjects, 1 pathetic good for nothing S paper and some dumb ass General Paper (which can be easily substituted with IELTS if I’m going Australia)

It gets worse when these words come out from a student who is doing quite well. Almost the top in class, yet now and then I hear her going ‘Aiyo damn stress want to drop Bio’. I just feel like giving her the middle finger and a super tight slap.

" Nostalgia from NS days: ‘Out of my face’ my NS buddy would say in times like these."

Talking about my middle finger, I gave one to a VJC friend of mine. It’s been awhile since my middle finger expressed himself.

To give credit though: To my classmate who finally decided to drop a subject: Chemistry. He was also a damn pain in the ass for the entire Term 3, being indecisive and all. Most of my classmates dropped Econs (with the hope of pursuing a Bio Chem sort of degree in Uni) while a small bunch with Chem Econs. But this guy was the first Bio Econs. Weird combination cause you can’t go anywhere with Bio only (Chem has to complement it) while Econs related faculties doesn’t require any basic knowledge of Econs for entry. His reasoning being he’s a good mugger. Yet again, this was his decision after 9 FUCKING WEEKS, and as much as I want to tell him that he should reconsider the subject he chose to drop, I am happy for him.

Devil talking here: I am also happy cause he won’t be an annoying asshole who doesn’t know what to drop anymore.


Anonymous said...

haha.. yes yes I also felt like slapping her, even though I felt no pressure. It was just plain annoying but with people like her, you can't tell them to shut up because they get all hurt and even more stressed. what to say? deng deng deng.. anyway, I miss you! Even though we're like in school together and all, we hardly talk-talk you know? :)

Madam Shanta

Anonymous said...

oh and in light of that, I am sorry if I went on and on abt my dropping. I hope I didn't but I can't really remember. :(
