Saturday, September 24, 2005

Bo Liao just wanna blog

Last Saturday, I was bumping my ass around Orchard with C-Lin and K-Lin, trying to distress and not think too much about my prelims. When we were approaching Heeren (a shopping complex along Orchard Road), I heard a very familiar deejay voice from afar.



From one of my previous entries you guys should realize that Denise Keller is the other dream chick (other than Jenny Garner) that I would drop dead for! (But I’ve already dropped dead in Jo’s arms :P)

That’s right I could remember how she sound like even though I’ve never met her in person before (thanks to my voice recognition system endowed in me from watching too much MTV… sounds like Lamarck’s Theory* holds true!)

True enough, she was hosting the MTV Whatever Thing road show or something. No doubt the performances by the crazee people were alright, but throughout the show we were going ‘Where’s Denise? Where’s Denise?’ You cannot imagine how much she made my day! (I was kinda down that day)

And she was so friendly! Some stranger just asks for a picture with her, she just took the camera and took a picture with the two of them! ARGH! If only I had the guts to ask her for a picture with me…

*Lamarck's Theory, in the dawn of the Evolution theory, proposed that characteristics that are wanted and beneficial (in this case, voice recognition) can be acquired and passed down to the next generation (in hope of survival and production of a more vigorous offspring).

Thursday, September 22, 2005


Message which should have been posted long ago…

‘A lot of concerns regarding my last two entries, don’t worry it was a short term thing. Thanks for all of your concerns. And for those who just read it and didn’t give a damn about it… SHAME ON YOU! :P’

I just finished my ‘CORE’ A Levels Preliminary (trials) Exams today. But me and my itchy butt have to go sign up for Chemistry ‘SPECIAL’ paper. So have to study for one more day… Haih… Thank heavens I dropped Maths S Paper ages ago (but kind of regretted it… anyway…)

The past few days were full of ups and downs for me… and the passages below will be concerning fellow Singaporean mates of mine. So dengan izin para pembaca ghettoblaster, saya ingin menggunakan Bahasa Melayu.

Kebelakangan ini saya tidak suka bercakap dengan rakan sekelas aku. Saya memang benci berbincang soalan peperiksaan selepas kertas itu habis. Adalah tidak mengapa jika mereka hanya ‘briefly’ berbincang tentangnya seperti ‘eh susah lah kertas ni’. Tapi rakan sekelas aku lain, selepas setiap kertas INGIN berbincang dengan begitu ‘DEEP’ sampai kami jadi orang yang terakhir untuk keluar dari bilik peperiksaan. Lebih-lebih lagi apabila kami dihalau keluar dan mereka akan meneruskan perbincangan selepas peperiksaan. Ini memang perbuatan yang amat CINA sekali. Ya rakan sekelas saya majoritinya Cina dengan beberapa orang India.

JAMANA! Itulah sebabnya aku pissed dengan mereka dan tidak ingin bersembang dengan mereka. Setiap kali mereka jumpa saya mereka hanya nampak saya sebagai ‘Penerima biasiswa yang hanya tahu baca, baca, baca! Tambahan pula, aku begitu benci akan mereka sampai setiap kali selepas kertas habis aku akan ambil beg aku dan keluar sahaja, tanpa menegur sapa atau menunggu mereka.

Nasib baik bukan semua rakan sekelas saya seperti itu. Thank god for people like Shanta, Roshini etc. Kalau bukan mereka, dah lah kelas 2704 ini. Mereka pun tidak begitu suka berbincang tentang kertas yang baru habis tetapi lebih suka berbincang tentang kertas seterusnya. Two thumbs up untuk kaum India!

Pada pendapat saya, ini adalah hasil Singapura dalam melahirkan pelajar yang begitu kiasu sekali, sampai mereka tidak rela untuk melupakan soalan-soalan yang baru dibuat (untuk sementara) dan focus dalam kertas seterusnya. Dalam kata ekonomik, ini adalah ‘inefficient allocation of resources!’

Note: To those who do not understand Malay, this was not meant for you to read then.

Ok I just realized that I can’t really put my thoughts down when using Malay. Gosh how bad my Malay has become!!?

Back to my studies! Anyone know what is the color of CUCN2?