Monday, March 27, 2006

I always tell myself,
that reading her blog wasn't the way to keep in touch with her...
sometimes blogs feel too impersonal,
I want her to tell me what, where, when etc...
and vice versa...

There are times as well,
when you are so caught up with life,
that you don't even think about her,
and then feel guilty after that for doing so.

Then there are times as well,
when you listen to your friends,
bitching about how complicated their love life is/was,
then compared to yours,
and smiled and being thankful.

Then there are times as well,
when you see too many sappy love movies within one week,
that you start getting emotional,
and start missing your loved one,
and wishing that she was thinking of you too.

Then comes the climax when,
she presents you with a gift,
that took her all the sweat and blood,
and all you gave her was...

I am lost for words,
I am feeling so lonely,
but why aren't I calling her?
why aren't I messaging her?

I blame it on the genes,
I don't take much effort,
when it comes to relationship,
maybe I'm too complacent,
that she's considerate.

I am lost for words,
I don't think alcohol can help me now,
Now I know blogging isn't either,
My eyes are getting damp.

I feel so gay,
damn you mother fucking movie 'Prime'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmm. gay-ness runs in u! who was the one who said embrace "i wish i knew how to ..." (-_-)lll